Take Out With Full Credit If You Want To Take Some Article In Here! Thank You~ Kamsahamnida ^_^
모든 친구에게 안녕!
Key was mentioned in After School’s Bekah Tweet 120513
Key was mentioned in After School’s Bekah Tweet 120513
After School’s Bekah recently twitted an Instagram photo of SHINee’s Key and f(x)’s Amber.
S/N : I spy an art gallery as their meet-up place! Keke Key, is that you idea?
Source : @__BEKAH // Printscreen + image : soundtracklove@soompi
[Trans Part 4] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
[Trans Part 4] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
34:50 - 44:30 QnA and Message Session.
MC : Next we will read out the questions and messages for each member we have collected for this show.
Q1. Anticipating 24 June’s Yoyogi - 11 Year old Girl
SHINee : Looks like she’s going for our concert. Thank you for coming.
Q2. Please hush a secret to me in front of the camera!
MC : Please! She’s watching it now.
Key : Starting from me? “Aimini coopereru” (I Love You)
Minho : “Saranghamnida” (I Love You)
Taemin : (pronounced the sender’s name wrongly!) Sorry ^^;;; XXXX (name)… (S/N : everyone was anticipating what he is going to say next.. but he just stopped there)
Jonghyun : Sit here!
Onew : HAAAAAAHHHH *breathes out deeply*
MC : You must be spreading the garlic smile after eating dumplng right! Onew you did this to yourself, please reflect!
MC : Onew-goon..
SHINee :… OUT!!
Onew : I’m going to cry
MC : I think we should be the ones to cry! Onew, you are the leader!
Q3. (did not catch the question)
Jonghyun : (some) ham… we know!
Minho : (In Korean)It is really famous in Korea
MC : I must try it once
Q4. There is sports day on Sunday, how should I do to keep up my energy - 13 year old girl
MC : Do you work out / exercise usually?
Taemin & Key : (Mumbles something but was not translated)
Key : (In korean) We exercise everyday and eat the specialty products from each region.
Jonghyun : (In korean)And not to be picky with food etc..
Onew : Yes.
Everyone : ahahhahaha
MC : Onew has (gag) sense!
Q4 : Please do a “All the best” hand gesture!
MC : Let’s do it in front of the camera then.
Key : Fighto!
Minho : Hwaiting!
Taemin : Hwaiting!
Jonghyun : Hwaiting!
Onew : Hwaiting!
SHINee : OUT!!!
Onew : Why!!??
MC : Taemin got a shock just now! (by Minho’s boxing gesture)
Q5 : I want to become like SHINee who can sing and dance - 15 year old girl
MC : The girls is in Senior high and is doing music, wanting to form a band with her friends. What is the most important when making music?
Jonghyun : Heart.
MC : Woah. one-word answer
(Key’s maniac laughter hahahahha!!)
MC : Key, your laughter is a little exaggerated isnt it?
Jonghyun : Are you doubting/ “looking down” my heart?
Key : This is not even a drama!! HAHA!
MC : It’s like the innocent thoughts in a drama. How do you feel then, key?
Key : Just enjoy. Just enjoy that moment.
MC : What do you think about it, Minho?
Minho : (In Korean) Interest is really important.
MC : Taemin?
Taemin : (In Korean) My answer is quite similar. That is being able to effectively relate the emotions of the music.
MC : Wow that is well said. Jonghyun’s “Heart”.. then what about Onew?
Onew : Body, then. Heart and Body as one is the best combination.
Jonghyun : To be healthy is the most important.
Onew : That is to be healthy, and enjoy making music!
Q7 : After going to Fukuoka and Nagoya’s concert, I am really happy and touched.. There will be other concerts next, please take care of your body/health! - 37 Year old fan
SHINee : Thank You!
Q8 : I am SHINee’s Loyal fan. I listen to SHINee everyday. Please continue to work hard. I will always support you - 18 year old fanboy
SHINee : Thank You!
(OnJongkey gave 90degree bow)
Q9 : 2012 SHINee’s the best. I went to 6 concerts in total. and will go for 26 and 27th one too! Sherlock’s Japanese version is really nice to hear too, and I already know how to sing it! It’s so hard to wait for a CD. Please come to _____ too! - 20 year old girl
MC : SHe already knows how to sing. That is quite a feat!
SHINee : *stunned*
MC : Let’s have a performance! Key is good at it right? and Taemin. Two of you please perform the best part (of the dance). This small space can be extended
Jonghyun : On top of this (table)? This is the stage.
Key : Let’s do it together.. together.. which part of Sherlock would be the best/
MC : Any part will do
MC : When did everyone start dancing?
Taemin : From young.
Jonghyun : Young, from elementary school (points at Taemin)
MC : That’s amazing
Jonghyun : No..
MC : Too modest. How about Onew’s dancing?
Jonghyun : NOT BAD! That’s right! Genius!
MC : Please do a solo!
Jonghyun : Have never seen Onew’s (dance) solo!
MC : Maybe unexpectedly Onew has one
Onew : Freestyle then.
MC : After dancing, please do a gag to conclude
Translator : Onew has the nickname of “Dancing King”
MC : Your voice is really pleasant!!
(Talks about some contest..)
MC : SO SO SO.. we have recorded around 1 hour. How does everyone feel right now?
Jonghyun : really interesting
Taemin : Really happy
Minho : Awesome
Key : Really happy, hope we can record more shows like this in the future
Onew : (In Korean) Even though I was almost “OUT” a few times but I am really happy
Translator : I have to correct him - It’s not “almost” but you were really OUT.
Onew : *SHOCKED*
MC : I had a great time too! This is the end of the show!
SHINee : Thank you!!
Source : CHANNEL // JP-CHI : Hello Jonghyun (www.hellohyun.com) // CHI-ENG + Image : soundtracklove@soompi (do not hotlink)
[Trans Part 2] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
[Trans Part 2] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
MC : Next we are going to talk about the highlight of this week’s program.. SHINee’s new single Sherlock
(SHINee claps; Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin takes a copy of differeny version of Sherlock each)
MC : Please do a introduction of this album!
(Cameraman zooms in to Onew doing his sangtae.. for a very long time! ^^)
MC : What genre/type of Music is this?
Jonghyun : (In Korean)We hope that through this music, everyone can witness our interesting dance and apreciate our music (at the same time)!
MC : So amazing! Are there any points or parts which you particularly like?
Taemin : I……
(Onew playing with album, Jonghyun snatches away from him and slams it down on table haha!)
MC : Onew you are really free/wild
(2MIN : Minho starts stroking Taemin’s hair)
(Key takes album away from Taemin’s hands)
Onew : Please help me!
MC : So are there any specific parts that you like?
Onew : (In Korean) I prefer the “sabi” part
MC : Ah, how is it like?
Onew : “OH I’M CURIOUS YEAH~~” (S/N : Funny facial expression at the end!)
Other members : “XXXXXXXXX…” (Contines Onew’s part in Japanese)
Onew : “…XXXXXX”
MC : So passionate! Invisible Voice (S/N : MC’s nickname) really got a shock.. (he sang) so loud suddenly! It was really good~ There is also another amazing news… The choreographer is once Michael Jackson’s choreographer?
SHINee : Yes
MC : How was it like? (Was he) strict? The one who have choreographed for various famous celebrities around the world - Tony Testa.. You have learned a lot right?
Key : He was gentler that what we have imagined (him to be) and he was really young!
MC : Young? Age-wise?
Key : Yes, age-wise. As Michael-Jackson’s choreographer/back-up dancer, he is really young. Also there was no problem communication wise, because he was young. (Around the same age)
MC : Because he was young? By saying like this, you seem to suggest that it will be difficult to communicate with older people?
Key : YES!
MC : Invisible Voice, come save me quick!
Onew : OUT!!
MC : You actually said I’m Out?
Everyone : Hahahaha
MC : So in conclusion, you all have been learning (dance with Tony Testa) under a good atmosphere?
(Key and Jonghyun gesturing Taemin and Minho to speak up)
Minho : (In Korean) Yes, the atmosphere was good. And that person is really professional!
MC : Please give an example in what areas do you think (he has made) you feel that he is professional?
Minho : (In Korean) That is during the entire choreographing process, he makes sure that every moment is precise.. He will observe/check from head to toe, and will not let go any small mistake made. He will record down our mistakes and correct us.
MC : Ah, it is really awesome in this point, really professional. So is there any parts during the choreography process which you feel that it is really difficult or whatsoever?
Taemin : It should be the climax..
MC : The climax was the hardest?
Taemin : Yes
MC : Can you briefly demonstrate, like what kind of action it is?
Taemin : Ah, it’s a little squeezy.. can (I/We) do it?
(SHINee stands up and does the chorus dance while singing it in Japanese. Taemin did an exagerrated action of by scrunching up because it was too squeezy)
MC : Really charismatic! “Invisible Voice”, I’m OUT! Really awesome!
Key : Is it that awesome?
MC : I’m saying the truth! Is there any easier actions in the middle that audience can follow?
Onew : No.
Key : Haha “No”?
MC : There isn’t any?
Onew : *Oops*
Jonghyun : ONEW OUT!
Someone : It’s still the climax portion. Like this, this kind of feeling *Key demonstrates*
Jonghyun : Very poweful like this … *stomps feet*
MC : Those in front of the computer can learn/absorb it already!
MC : Those living in apartments, please be cautious of those living below!
MC : So let’s move on to talk about the PV! Filming PV is really tough right! Are there any (interesting) parts you would like to share?
Jonghyun : Filming the dance across a long duration of time can be really tiring.
MC : Ah, around how long did you film (for the PV)?
Jonghyun : Around 3 days
Key : (In Korean) We still have to film for both Japanese and Korean versions. Filmed once for the Korean then another time for the Japanese.. like that.
MC : Alternately! So was it in Japanese for the Japanese version? Emotions wise, was it better for Japanese or Korean version?
Key : (In Korean) For recording, we have learned hard for Japanese
Jonghun : (In Korean) Translating, learning and recording at the same time, so it was not difficult for us to grasp hold of the mood/ to get the feeling/emotions.
MC : Ah so amazing, professional indeed!
Jonghyun : YES! Professional! Self-proclaimed! We are professional!
Everyone : Hahahhaa
MC : Professional, Professional, Professional! So you danced for 3 full days?
(SHINee nods)
MC : Amazing, it is really charismatic! Costume wise, everyone has a different one right? So did you pick the style that you like?
Jonghyun : (In Korean)We will voice out our opinions, and we will usually incorporate these ideas
MC : Ah like this, So for example.. “Because I feel that Onew’s costume (looks) better…you will want to wear it too.” Is there such circumstances?
Onew : There cannot be! (S/N : In a stern face - really funny!)
MC : Onew-ssi, you have a cold coolness!
Onew : Because that was my outfit, so, no!
MC : Judging from this, everyone wore according to their preference?
Key : (In Korean) Because everyone has their own style, so we do not usually exchange (our costume)
Other members : REALLY?? DONT LIE
MC : You have been exposed! What lie did you just say!
Jonghyun : Constantly… (In Korean) Key is a fashionistic person, so whenever he sees a nice-looking or unique piece of clothing, he will really want to wear it.
MC : See? This is what I just said.. Why did you lie! This is live broadcast, so please do not lie, really.
Key : Self-revealed!
Source : CHANNEL // JP-CHI : Hello Jonghyun (www.hellohyun.com) // CHI-ENG : soundtracklove@soompi
Precious Diva Key @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
Precious Diva Key @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: TwinkeyVia: shineetown
HANDSOMEEE Leader Onew @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
HANDSOMEEE Leader Onew @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: Cuzonew + onlywithonewVia: shineetown
Cutie Taemin @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
Cutie Taemin @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: intaemin
Handsome Minho @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka Day 3 120510
Handsome Minho @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka Day 3 120510
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: can u smile
[Trans] Staff Blog – Japan Mobile Site Update 120512
[Trans] Staff Blog – Japan Mobile Site Update 120512
There’s someone in the members’ dressing room wearing a STAFF T-shirt…?!
Who could this person be?!
I can say this much, it’s not a staff member (o^^o)
Can you recognize their appearance from the back alone!? [1]
[1] Literally, do you know just the form/shape of their back.
images from minoutshine
JP -> EN : http://crissan.tumblr.com/
Precious SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
Precious SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
Credit : keywemingCredit : into_signCredit : BlingestCredit : Marry_923Credit : Ryukey0923Credit : DreamingCredit : Can U SmileCredit : IshikoCredit : AceCredit : OneWayToUCredit : 7Credit : KimkeyfanCredit : MyFairyCredit : Onlywithonew
[Trans] Minho – Japan Mobile Site Update 120512
[Trans] Minho – Japan Mobile Site Update 120512
Do you like SHINee?! [1]
I love all of the fans <3
[1] He wrote on the image SHINee 好き~? However his writing skills aren’t the best, since the radicals and letters are far apart, it looks like 女子 きー Which could be read as “Woman/Girl Ki (Key). Yeah I know possibly only funny to me.
images from minoutshine
JP -> EN : http://crissan.tumblr.com/
SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka Day 3 120510
SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka Day 3 120510
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: Forgo | Via: shineetown
[List/Must Watch!] AMAZING FANCAMS OF SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka 120508
[List/Must Watch!] AMAZING FANCAMS OF SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Osaka 120508
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Funny Moment
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Stand By Me
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Ment Ending
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Turn Up The Music
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Firework
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Driver’s High
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - BETTER (KEY Focus)
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Dance with water (LLO)
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - START (MinKey Focus)
-Credit : Mimpz-
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Stand By Me
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Ment Ending
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Turn Up The Music
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Firework
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Driver’s High
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - BETTER (KEY Focus)
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - Dance with water (LLO)
[FANCAM] 120508 SHINee World 2012 - START (MinKey Focus)
-Credit : Mimpz-
SHINee, B1A4, Teen Top, and are coming to Singapore in June
SHINee, B1A4, Teen Top, and are coming to Singapore in June
By Elizabeth Soh | Singapore Showbiz – Mon, Apr 30, 2012 5:26 PM SGT
Korean boyband SHINee in concert in Japan (Getty Images)
Singaporean fans of K-pop idol groups SHINee, B1A4, Teen Top, and can catch them in person this June when they head down for a group concert.
Together with Korean hip-hop artiste, Jay Park, they will be performing on June 15th for one night only at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.
The two-and-a-half hour “Boyz Night Out” concert is slated to be a K-pop dance and musical extravaganza.
This will be the first time most of the boy bands are performing in Singapore, besides SHINee, who were here last September. Hip-hop artiste Jay Park appeared on Singapore’s television screens last Sunday as a guest performer at the Star Awards 2012.
The concert is jointly organized by Launch Entertainment and Contents Storage Group.
Tickets go on sale from May 9, and are priced at $148 and $178. They are available at all Sistic outlets here as well as online at www.sistic.com
Date: 15th June 2012, Friday
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Time: 7.00PM
Read the article here : http://sg.entertainm…-092637975.html
Source : Singapore Yahoo
Korean boyband SHINee in concert in Japan (Getty Images)
Singaporean fans of K-pop idol groups SHINee, B1A4, Teen Top, and can catch them in person this June when they head down for a group concert.
Together with Korean hip-hop artiste, Jay Park, they will be performing on June 15th for one night only at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.
The two-and-a-half hour “Boyz Night Out” concert is slated to be a K-pop dance and musical extravaganza.
This will be the first time most of the boy bands are performing in Singapore, besides SHINee, who were here last September. Hip-hop artiste Jay Park appeared on Singapore’s television screens last Sunday as a guest performer at the Star Awards 2012.
The concert is jointly organized by Launch Entertainment and Contents Storage Group.
Tickets go on sale from May 9, and are priced at $148 and $178. They are available at all Sistic outlets here as well as online at www.sistic.com
Date: 15th June 2012, Friday
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Time: 7.00PM
Read the article here : http://sg.entertainm…-092637975.html
Source : Singapore Yahoo
[Schedule] SHINee to attend JP Morning Show on 120514
[Schedule] SHINee to attend JP Morning Show on 120514
SHINee will be staring as guest in Japanese program “おはよう朝日です”which will be broadcasted 0645hrs-0800hrs KST/JPT in the morning on ABC Asahi Channel
Official Homepage for ABC Asahi : http://asahi.co.jp/ohaasa/
Source : @shinetter/ @shining0525 // Kor-Chi : @路路杏仁儿露 // Image + trans : soundtracklove@soompi
[Fanaccount] Precious SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
[Fanaccount] Precious SHINee @ Japan Arena Tour_Kobe 120512
When singing Bodyguard, Taemin hugged Onew..Taemin carried Onew up, who was lying on the floor, in a bridal style.
Ready or not : Taemin took off his outerwear and rolled up his shirt, revealing his stomach TTTTTTTT so erotic !!!!!!!! (src : ショコ@ tSHOKOt)
Jonghyun : For every concert, I will feel really nervous and insecure
Onew : I am hungry~~
** Note : Insecure and Hungry has similar pronounciation in Japanese - Onew’s word gag again!
During the chorus, Taemin suddenly poked his head below Jinki’s crotch ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Onew got a shock.. but in order not to kick Taemin, he slowly moved his legs away, so sweet of Onew…. (src : guriko@ Lee_jieen)
When Onew (was singing) “Promise~♬”, he gave a pinky.
Key : Don’t need promises~
Jonghyun : ○×%¥☆!!
What are you talking about Jonghyun…. (src : guriko@ Lee_jieen)
Jp-Chi : 温民親媽小夏 // Chi-Eng : soundtracklove@soompi
1. Today’s performance has just ended!! Minho is a caring angel (towards fans) as usual TvT Today (Minho) gestured a heart-shape to the fans and said “Saranghae” TvT After the concert he still continued to thank the fans TvT
2. When (Minho) was saying goodbye tonight, he puffed up his face, and used a really cute tone to say “I love you, Byebye~~” Minho is now getting better/ comfortable doing aegyo~~
3. Today during Start Performance, first they (Minkey) looked at one another, then they hugged, then Minho pushed Key down (on the floor) = =
4. There is a funny scene today - that is the part where they throw (counterfeit SHINee) money to the fans. Usually, Minho will come out to the stage full of money pasted on his body.. today is not an exception. He then sat at the edge of the stage and started to peel off the pieces of money from his body and throw it up… But (today), Taemin stood behind him and snatched/stole all his money away = =
5.”Healing” Onho Recently : Forgot which song but it’s when Onew suddenly appeared behind Minho and hugged him. Minho got a shock and turned around. They made eye contact with one another and smiled/laughed TvT my tears almost fell TvT
6. During JOJO’s performance, Taemin did a “V” sign aegyo to Minho. Upon seeing this, Minho did a “V” back (to Taemin) and both of them laughed.
Src : MrMinho (http://www.mrminho.com) // Trans : soundtracklove@soompi
1. During Bodyguard, Onew purposely lay down at the head of the flower path → Taemin walked over → Got ready to carry Onew up → Hmm..could not lift him up…→ Tried again, but unable to carry… ahhhhhh, finally successfully lifted (Onew) up → Placed Onew down, Taemin pretended to be suffering in pain by hugging his own waist
2. In the middle of the performance, Taemin suddenly poked his head between Onew’s legs and greeted the fans. After getting a shock, and to refrain from stepping onto Taemin, Onew slowly spreaded his legs open…
3. Stand By Me : When Key was singing, Taemin kept “choking” Key’s neck to form vibrating noises (as Key sang).. = =;;
4. Taemin’s Rebellious Age
Taemin : (Standing) on such huge stage…
Key : 「大きに」 (Huge) Isn’t it in Osaka’s dialect?
Taemin : You. Are. So. Naggy/Annoying. !
5. Yellow Ribbon 1 : During the Yellow Ribbon, Taemin rolled up the money as if they were hair-curlers and stuck it on his head when he came out to the stage >< It was super cute..
6. Yellow Ribbon 2 : Shortly after coming out to the stage, Taemin threw away all his money in his pouch and those in his hair. He then sat at the edge of the stage and started catching back all the money Onew threw out to the fans.. he had so much fun playing.. poor fans…
Source : JP twitter // JP-Chi : 求泰民北鼻全面大发_泡泡 // Chi-Eng : soundtracklove@soompi
Onew finished his solo by kneeling on the floor at the end.
At the end, when they were bowing, the other 4 members held each other’s hands, only Onew held a dancer’s hand with 1 hand and put his other hand beside his pants.
Onew was very happy today, his mood was very good, SHINee were very high too.. Onew’s hair was curly today, very handsome.. acted sexy, cute and manly at the right time.. Feel that his condition improved a lot after a day of rest.. Towards the end, he said “everyone must be careful when going home ok, annyeong…”
Source : lovtacchon // Trans : yenn_yy
Onew hugged Minho from the back, Minho got a shock. He turned back and realized its Onew and then both of them smiled to each other. have no idea why Taemin suddenly thought of the idea… he went under Onew’s thighs popping his head out and greeted fans. Minho sat on the side of the stage distributing the fake notes, Taemin stood behind him taking all the fake notes Minho threw.
Translation: lipsandlove
At the greeting and goodbye for Kobe, Onew said “IraSHINee” (Pun on “Irasshaimase”.)
Taemin choked Jonghyun so then Jonghyun grabbed Taemin by the collar and started shaking him around.
Taemin said ookini(?) which means “loudly”. Key said that’s Osaka dialect (but they’re in Kobe). Taemin told Key to shut up.
During the goodbyes, Taemin tried grabbing Jonghyun’s hand but he didn’t get the timing right so Jong was like “Stop~” but Taem kept trying.
During Stand By Me, Onew looked at Key and started doing a cute dance for him. Key stared at him and started dancing with a smile.
Onew and Taemin went to tie their shoelaces at the same time during Amigo.
Translation: hanatwothree_
Onew did bbuing-bbuing during Jojo TT^TT
Onew gave a (flying) kiss during Replay. Chu~~
Key did bbuing-bbuing twice on the left of main stage.
JongKey held hands while walking during Stand by Me.
During Stand by Me, Onew did a cute dance to Key who was standing next to him and Key smiled at Onew.
Source: aaiike
Taemin pretended that he hurt his waist after he tried to lift up Onew.
Source: Sachia92
jjong holded Key’s hand walking on stage in encore.
Minkey…i watched many moments this tour.
Source : Lovingbling
Ready or not : Taemin took off his outerwear and rolled up his shirt, revealing his stomach TTTTTTTT so erotic !!!!!!!! (src : ショコ@ tSHOKOt)
Jonghyun : For every concert, I will feel really nervous and insecure
Onew : I am hungry~~
** Note : Insecure and Hungry has similar pronounciation in Japanese - Onew’s word gag again!
During the chorus, Taemin suddenly poked his head below Jinki’s crotch ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Onew got a shock.. but in order not to kick Taemin, he slowly moved his legs away, so sweet of Onew…. (src : guriko@ Lee_jieen)
When Onew (was singing) “Promise~♬”, he gave a pinky.
Key : Don’t need promises~
Jonghyun : ○×%¥☆!!
What are you talking about Jonghyun…. (src : guriko@ Lee_jieen)
Jp-Chi : 温民親媽小夏 // Chi-Eng : soundtracklove@soompi
1. Today’s performance has just ended!! Minho is a caring angel (towards fans) as usual TvT Today (Minho) gestured a heart-shape to the fans and said “Saranghae” TvT After the concert he still continued to thank the fans TvT
2. When (Minho) was saying goodbye tonight, he puffed up his face, and used a really cute tone to say “I love you, Byebye~~” Minho is now getting better/ comfortable doing aegyo~~
3. Today during Start Performance, first they (Minkey) looked at one another, then they hugged, then Minho pushed Key down (on the floor) = =
4. There is a funny scene today - that is the part where they throw (counterfeit SHINee) money to the fans. Usually, Minho will come out to the stage full of money pasted on his body.. today is not an exception. He then sat at the edge of the stage and started to peel off the pieces of money from his body and throw it up… But (today), Taemin stood behind him and snatched/stole all his money away = =
5.”Healing” Onho Recently : Forgot which song but it’s when Onew suddenly appeared behind Minho and hugged him. Minho got a shock and turned around. They made eye contact with one another and smiled/laughed TvT my tears almost fell TvT
6. During JOJO’s performance, Taemin did a “V” sign aegyo to Minho. Upon seeing this, Minho did a “V” back (to Taemin) and both of them laughed.
Src : MrMinho (http://www.mrminho.com) // Trans : soundtracklove@soompi
1. During Bodyguard, Onew purposely lay down at the head of the flower path → Taemin walked over → Got ready to carry Onew up → Hmm..could not lift him up…→ Tried again, but unable to carry… ahhhhhh, finally successfully lifted (Onew) up → Placed Onew down, Taemin pretended to be suffering in pain by hugging his own waist
2. In the middle of the performance, Taemin suddenly poked his head between Onew’s legs and greeted the fans. After getting a shock, and to refrain from stepping onto Taemin, Onew slowly spreaded his legs open…
3. Stand By Me : When Key was singing, Taemin kept “choking” Key’s neck to form vibrating noises (as Key sang).. = =;;
4. Taemin’s Rebellious Age
Taemin : (Standing) on such huge stage…
Key : 「大きに」 (Huge) Isn’t it in Osaka’s dialect?
Taemin : You. Are. So. Naggy/Annoying. !
5. Yellow Ribbon 1 : During the Yellow Ribbon, Taemin rolled up the money as if they were hair-curlers and stuck it on his head when he came out to the stage >< It was super cute..
6. Yellow Ribbon 2 : Shortly after coming out to the stage, Taemin threw away all his money in his pouch and those in his hair. He then sat at the edge of the stage and started catching back all the money Onew threw out to the fans.. he had so much fun playing.. poor fans…
Source : JP twitter // JP-Chi : 求泰民北鼻全面大发_泡泡 // Chi-Eng : soundtracklove@soompi
Onew finished his solo by kneeling on the floor at the end.
At the end, when they were bowing, the other 4 members held each other’s hands, only Onew held a dancer’s hand with 1 hand and put his other hand beside his pants.
Onew was very happy today, his mood was very good, SHINee were very high too.. Onew’s hair was curly today, very handsome.. acted sexy, cute and manly at the right time.. Feel that his condition improved a lot after a day of rest.. Towards the end, he said “everyone must be careful when going home ok, annyeong…”
Source : lovtacchon // Trans : yenn_yy
Onew hugged Minho from the back, Minho got a shock. He turned back and realized its Onew and then both of them smiled to each other. have no idea why Taemin suddenly thought of the idea… he went under Onew’s thighs popping his head out and greeted fans. Minho sat on the side of the stage distributing the fake notes, Taemin stood behind him taking all the fake notes Minho threw.
Translation: lipsandlove
At the greeting and goodbye for Kobe, Onew said “IraSHINee” (Pun on “Irasshaimase”.)
Taemin choked Jonghyun so then Jonghyun grabbed Taemin by the collar and started shaking him around.
Taemin said ookini(?) which means “loudly”. Key said that’s Osaka dialect (but they’re in Kobe). Taemin told Key to shut up.
During the goodbyes, Taemin tried grabbing Jonghyun’s hand but he didn’t get the timing right so Jong was like “Stop~” but Taem kept trying.
During Stand By Me, Onew looked at Key and started doing a cute dance for him. Key stared at him and started dancing with a smile.
Onew and Taemin went to tie their shoelaces at the same time during Amigo.
Translation: hanatwothree_
Onew did bbuing-bbuing during Jojo TT^TT
Onew gave a (flying) kiss during Replay. Chu~~
Key did bbuing-bbuing twice on the left of main stage.
JongKey held hands while walking during Stand by Me.
During Stand by Me, Onew did a cute dance to Key who was standing next to him and Key smiled at Onew.
Source: aaiike
Taemin pretended that he hurt his waist after he tried to lift up Onew.
Source: Sachia92
jjong holded Key’s hand walking on stage in encore.
Minkey…i watched many moments this tour.
Source : Lovingbling
[Trans Part 1] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
[Trans Part 1] SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511
* SHINee waving to camera, Onew Sangtae, SHINee and their random “praying” motions *
02:13 - 03:45 INTRODUCTION
MC : Welcome SHINee!
Onew : Those watching CHANNEL…
SHINee : Hello Everyone, we are shining SHINee
(cheering and clapping non-stop, Jonghyun brief goat-sound)
MC : SHINee’s pre-released single special programme CHANNEL starts now! Today we will let the usual broadcaster, live mc etc, gag star, I, Handy (S/N : MC’s name) to be today’s Invisible Voice.. Please give lots of care
Jonghyun : Hahaha you are really busy
MC : So let’s invite everyone (SHINee) to do a simple self introduction each… Onew please.
Onew : SHINee….. ….leader Onew-desu… leader Onew-desu… kekekekeke ^▽^ … (camera reluctant to move away until Onew gestured “next”)
Jonghyun : Hello, I am Jonghyun *waves
Taemin : Hello, I am Taemin
Minho : Hello, I am Minho
Minho : Hello, I am SHINee Key
MC : Seems like everyone doesn’t look energetic.. is everything alright?
Jonghyun : (We are) a bit nervous x2
MC : Nervous? (Please) do not be overly nervous
Jonghyun : Because it is a live-show
MC : because it’s a live show? Where’s the enthusiasm (I’ve witnessed) just now? really.. is everything alright?
Key : Can you give us beer?
MC : Talking about this, does everyone have a special talent?
Key : Japanese? HAHAHA
Jonghyun : Singing.. Singhing, dancing whatsoever
MC : I’ve heard that Onew is good at gags
Onew : O_O AGAIN?
MC : Hmmm.. Just perform for everyone one more time!
Onew : New gag..
MC : There are no new ones recently?
Onew : Mm, there are none recently
MC : Then just perform what you usually do (S/N : I think the MC meant “Just present your normal self”)
Jonghyun : You will be alright
Onew : The blanket has gotten fat (S/N : Word Gag - similarity in pronounciation)
MC : Yes… The blanket has gotten fat
Onew : How much does the fish cost (S/N : another word gag)
SHINee : Hahahahahha
(Random note : Keke Cameraman really likes Onew)
MC : So, Jonghyun, I’m not sure if this is a talent or a strange habit of yours… I heard that you keep your eyes open when you sleep. So let’s perform! (S/N : I think you can hear Onew’s creepy laughter in the background hahaha)
Jonghyun : *Demonstrates* It is this level..
MC : Only this level/ this much? But I heard that (your) sleeping condition, opening your eyes, is similar to that of a fish.. So Jonghyun is only of this level..
Key : But Jonghyun he… not only does he open his eyes when he sleeps but he keeps his mouth open too.. it is this kind of condition… his nose are opened too
MC : Nose too? If (my) nose are block then it is not a good thing!
Onew : Ears?
Jonghyun : My ears are always opened.
MC : Okay so let’s hear about everyone’s strengths. SHINee is now carrying out their Japanese arena tour.. in 7 cities 20 concerts right? So far.. (you all) have toured 4 cities.. among them there must be some interesting events.. please talk about it (listing all the cities)
Jonghyun : There are many
MC : Did you feel that there is a certain city that is really good/fun or one that you really want to hear about their opinions etc?
Jonghyun : Fukuoko is our first performance so (We/I) was especially nervous. However once we came up to the stage and saw so many fans, (We/I) gained courage.
MC : Heart Attack?
Key : Because we have not seen the Japanese fans for a long time so we have hardworking prepared many things.. so that we hope to let everyone see a different side of us, right?
Jonghyun : Please talk about food next!
06:48 - 09:07 FOOD AND HOT SPRINGS
MC : Ah! Food! Do you feel that there is a specific Japanese food that you feel is extremely delicious?
Everyone : hahahahaha! ONEW OUT!
Jonghyun : Rice~ Rice~ What about Osaka (points to Taemin)
MC : So for example.. Hokaido’s seafood
Jonghyun : White Lovers? (S/N : Hokaido’s specialty chocolate)
MC : There are many others right?! That is really nice, (but) is there others?
(S/N : You can hear Key’s hysterical laughter! HAHAHHA)
Someone : Ramen
Jonghyun : Hairy crab
MC : Have you been to Hot Springs? Coming from Invisible Voice (S/N : The MC’s nickname for himself as he cannot be seen in the video but can only be heard) Invisible Voice’s question : Does Korea have Hot Springs too?
Jonghyun : Yes, there are many! (SHINee nods)
MC : Is it as popular as it is Japan?
Jonghyun : It is slightly different but the feeling is like that/ around the same
MC : Ah, those ordinary kinds?
Jonghyun : Yes, there are many
MC : So have you visited Japan’s Hokaido Hot springs? How does it feel? Is there any difference?
Jonghyun : (It is) Very huge
Onew : Yes, large
Jonghyun : (In Korean) Because there were only a few of us.. so we had a good time chit-chatting.. however Key wasn’t there at that time ..
MC : Where did you go?!
Key : (In Korean)Because I had a Musical Performance so I arrived later than them
Onew : Yes, Musical
MC : So does that mean that you have not soaked in a Hot Spring before?
Key : Yes, I am personally quite busy (S/N : In a serious, funny manner)
MC : By saying things like you are really busy in a 5-member group…?
MC : Also, I heard that all of you are interested in (Japanese) dialects
Key : Yes, we have interest (in that)
Onew : Teach us!
Jonghyun : Why not (let’s talk about our) specific favorite ones? Grilled Octopus…
Key : Takoyaki?
Key : Sorry!
MC : You (indeed) know quite a bit!
MC : Following you will continue your tour at Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo, Hiroshima.. so by *MC name*, let’s celebrate! Everyone together : “All the best for Arena Tour”
Jonghyun : Gambate Arena Tour!
MC : Everyone did not shout in unison. Let’s go again! “Gambate Arena Tour!”
SHINee : Arena Tour Gambate~~!
Source : CHANNEL // JP-CHI : Hello Jonghyun (www.hellohyun.com) // CHI-ENG : soundtracklove@soompi
Please note that this is only Part 1 out of 5. Will continue transcripting it, please be patient as it is 1 hour long ^^
EMI Music - “EMI SHINee Application” for andriod
EMI Music - “EMI SHINee Application” for andriod
EMI Music has come out with a new SHINee application.
The app comes free-of-charge, featuring a handy listing of the latest SHINee news, official videos, and a handy route map showing the location of SHINee’s concert venues. (For example, SHINee’s Tokyo venue/concert dates are shown in the screenshot.) A profile of SHINee is also included for newcomers. The app was created as a sort of companion to SHINee’s Japanese tour. Although it is only available for the Android for now, an iPhone version is currently being worked on.
The app may be downloaded through Google here.
Additional Details
Current Version: 1.0.1
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Music & Audio
Size: 18M
Price: Free
Content Rating: Low Maturity
Source: Google, eimanjjong
Written by: SHINee Forums International (shineee.net)
via: dkpopnews
Captain FranKey @ Catch me if you can show 120410
Captain FranKey @ Catch me if you can show 120410
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: cosmicaa
Captain FranKey @ Catch me if you can show 120410
click image in new tab for full size
Captain Key @ Catch me if you can Musical 120408
Captain Key @ Catch me if you can Musical 120408
click image in new tab for full sizeCredit: cosmicaa
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] Taemin’s Precious Laugh + JongTae Moment
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] Onew Sangtae – his fresh breath
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] TaeKey – Sherlock Dance
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] SHINee’s Dorking Introduction
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] SHINee - Fighting!
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] Onew Sing & Dance to Sherlock (Jap Version)
[Eng] Onew and Taemin drawing Key’s face @ Live Chat Session 120511
[Eng] SHINee – Whisper to a fan @ Live Chat Session 120511
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] Minho stroking Taemin’s hair
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] Violent Jonghyun
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] SHINee and their masterpiece drawings
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] SHINee and their cute close-up moments
[SHINee - Live Chat Session 120511] 2MIN moments
Jonghyun Updates his Twitter 120512
Jonghyun Updates his Twitter 120512
I’m close to Jonghyun. We look really close in this picture, but something feels weird. We really are close but something about this picture… I mean we’re close… but how should I say it? I want to deny (our closeness) in this photo because Jonghyun is lying down. I think that’s it. http://t.co/AkuODFOY(T/N: The Jonghyun he’s talking about is from CNBLUE.)
Credit: realjonghyun90
Translation Credit: shiningtweets
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